motivational quotes — — The Intrigue Agency

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Day Right Quote #63: If I''m Not Willing To Do It TODAY, What Makes Me Think I'll Be Willing To Do It Tomorrow?

I had cut carbs out of my diet but recently went back to eating them. Boo. I promised myself I'd eat green again after the holiday weekend.

Then I thought, "If I'm not willing to do it today, what makes me think I'll be willing to do it tomorrow?"

So I went back to green shakes and I'm glad I did.

As Pope Paul III said, "The future starts today, not tomorrow."

How about you? What is it you want more of - or less of - in your life?

Are you procrastinating? Are you promising yourself you'll take action on it .... tomorrow?

If you're not willing to do it TODAY, what makes you think you'll be willing to do it TOMORROW?

Don't delay. Your happiness depends on you beginning it today.

As discussed in this post, you will never regret doing more of what puts the light on in your eyes.

You will only regret not doing it ... sooner.

green shake

Day Right Quote #52: There Is No Such Thing As an Ordinary Day

Dan Millman and his book "Path of the Peaceful Warrior" was one of our favorite author-speakers at the Maui Writers Conference. His insight, "There is no such thing as an ordinary day" is as true today as it was 15 years ago.

It reminds me of the powerful line from Thornton Wilder's play "Our Town."

Emily, the lead character, has passed but gets to return home one last time. She watches her mother wash the dishes in the kitchen and realizes she never appreciated the little things - a normal day - while she had the chance.

She asks poignantly, "Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it?"

So often we don't. We get swept up in busyness, rushing here, there and everywhere.

However, we are here now. It is not too late.

Look around right now and imprint this day. Really see your surroundings as if for the first or last time.

Drink in the sheer miracle of being alive - of being able to breathe, feel, hear, taste, touch, love, experience.

A moment of grace and deeply felt gratitude is a moment's notice away.

Dan Millman -no such thing as ordinary day

Day Right Quote #47: The Wisdom of Life Consists in the Elimination of Non-Essentials

One of the keys to enjoying my Year by the Water was that I gave away 95% of what I owned. People ask if I miss any of it?

Nope. It freed me up to focus on what really matters and lead an even more #meaningful life.

Is clutter keeping you from concentrating on what counts?

Is stuff keeping you stuck?

Ask yourself what it costs in terms of time, money and energy to purchase, clean, repair and take care of everything in your home.

Is it adding value? Is it making you happier and healthier?

Or are all those "possessions" weighing you down, holding you back from the like you're meant to lead?

What would you be freed up to do if you eliminated some of those non-essentials?lin yutang

Day Right Quote #39: I Have Found If You Love Life, Life Will Love You Back

For the past twenty years, I have started almost every presentation with Arthur Rubenstein's quote, "I have found if you love life, life will love you back." I do that for several reasons.

First, I've found it to be true.

We go first. If we're aware and appreciative of life's marvels - if we SEE the world as a blessed place - than that's our experience of it.

Secondly, I do it and then segue into, “I love this program. To help you love it back, I promise NOT to waste your valuable time, mind and dime on ivory tower theories that aren’t relevant to your world. Instead we’re going to focus on real-life ideas you can use immediately to improve your effectiveness on and off the job. Sound good? Let’s go.”

This is a quick way to let the audience know I care about THEIR priorities and I'm going to do my best to honor them. It also lets them know that I know the clock starts ticking the second I start talking and I better quickly prove this is going to be worth their while.

How about you? Would you say you love life? And how do you start your presentations and meetings?

arthur rubenstein

Day Right Quote #38: We All Have Stories We're Living and Telling Ourselves

I think this is one of the most important epiphanies we can have - that the stories we tell ourselves determine the quality of our life. So, what are we saying to ourselves? That we don't have time, that life is "hard," that no one appreciates us, that the world is going downhill fast?"

Or, that we have all the time we need, that life is a blessing, that I appreciate my loved ones, and that every day is an opportunity to create a positive difference?

Next time you tell yourself something negative, ask, "Is that true or is that just a story I'm telling myself?

What story do I WANT to tell that will help create the world I WANT to see and be?"

bruce - middle

Day Right Quote #35: I Like To Get Myself In Over My Head

This is the sign of an entrepreneur, someone who sees life as the adventure it's meant to be. Someone who, like Marissa Mayer of Yahoo, likes to get in over your head because you welcome challenges, love being stretched, and even when things are upside down-inside out, you're confident you can figure them out.

Is that you?

BTW - this is an example of an insight-image you can create with SparkPost. If you know me, you know I believe it's important to INK IT WHEN YOU THINK IT.

Well, these days, capturing and communicating WORDS isn't enough. By matching in-the-moment INSIGHTS and attributed QUOTES with an IMAGE, you can create on-brand messages that connect with people and take your work viral.

Want to know how to do that? I'm be sharing that - AND answering your questions - in our monthly ASK SAM call (no charge) on May 17th.

This is our way of staying connected with our community and sharing some of the gee-whiz stuff we're doing and want to share so you can run with it in your own business, career and life.

Contact Cheri@IntrigueAgency - at 805 528-4351 - for details and to register.

I like to get myself in over my head . mariss mayer

Day Right Quote #34: Nearly All The Best Things That Came to Me in Life Have Been Unexpected, Unplanned by Me

After an intense and rewarding week of consults, I pronounced yesterday ADVENTURE FRIDAY and decided to go to Estes Park, 30 miles away, because I'd never been there. As I drove into that stunning mountain valley, I saw a white lodge high on a hill. I didn't know what it was, but it looked intriguing, so I started taking roads that led UP until I arrived HERE.

This is the famous Stanley Hotel. You may have seen it in the movie The Shining​. Remember Jack Nicholson's immortal words, "I'll be b-a-c-k."

As I strolled the grounds, marveled at the "didn't know that" history of this grand hotel, and gazed at the majestic snow-capped mountains, I was reminded all over again that SECURITY is not the spice of life, DISCOVERY is.

Do you do same-old, same-old, day in and day out? Do you feel locked into routines?

This week, DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT. Change things up. Follow an intuitive nudge to go here, do this. Re-experience the power curiosity and discovery have to put the light on in your eyes. Set something in motion and see what unfolds

Your SerenDestiny is on the other side of routine.

Carl Sandburg is right. Nearly all the best things that come to us in life are unexpected, unplanned

carl sandberg

Day Right Quote #32: Receive, Receive, Receive

My friend Mary LoVerde, Hall of Fame speaker and author of I Used To Have a Handle On Life, But It Broke has changed my life - for good. She came to my home several years ago to"feng shui" it.

We didn't just clear out clutter, we also cleared out a lot of locked-in beliefs that were driving behavior that didn't serve me or the people around me.

For example, have you been told, "It's better to give than receive."

Not always. Mary opened my eyes to the fact that our strength taken to an extreme can become our Achilles Heel. We can over-give.

She suggested I repeat these words every day, "Receive, receive, receive."

This mantra has resulted in a heightened awareness and appreciation of the blessings and abundance in my life.

Try it and you'll see. Repeat those three words "Receive, receive, receive" as a daily habit ... and watch what happens.

receive, receive, receive

Day Right Quote #31: Celebrate Someone's Who's Always Been There for You

Taylor Swift says, "People haven't always been there for me; but music has." Who and what have always BEEN THERE for you?

My sister Cheri Grimm of Virtual Asset Office Management has run my business for 20 years.

One of the great joys of my life is having the privilege of working with someone I trust completely who always has my back and front.

I am enormously grateful to her for the countless ways she supports and inspires me and delivers above-and-beyond service to our clients. Thanks, sis, for ALWAYS being there.

Part of putting and keeping the light on in our eyes and leading a life of SerenDestiny is intentionally aligning with people we trust who are always there for us ... and being there for THEM by letting them know how much their support and constancy means to us.

Why not give a shout-out today to someone who's always been there for you? There is no present like the time - and no time like the present - to acknowledge and appreciate someone who contributes to your quality of life.

cheri and sam at ccwc

Day Right Quote #28: The Faster I Go; The More I Miss

A friend just shared on Facebook that her plane was cancelled and the next one is overbooked so she'll be in the airport for hours. Instead of getting upset or stressed, she relaxed into it and welcomed the opportunity to read and get some work done. She settled into the fact that she'll get there when she gets there.

Smart woman.

So many of us jet through our days, always on the go, racing here and there, impatiently thinking ahead to what's next. That's a prescription for missing our life.

Slow down, look around, imprint what's right with your life right NOW.

It's one of the quickest ways to put the light on in your eyes - and it works every single time.

the faster I go, the more i miss

Day Right Quote #19: I am Not LOST in Thought: I am FOUND in Thought

I understand the phrase "lost in thought," but it's more accurate to say I am "FOUND in thought." Some of the most deeply satisfying, connected, creatively productive moments of my life are when I'm thinking, musing, observing, appreciating and writing.

How about you?

I am not lost in thought, I am found in thought

Day Right Quote #16: It Is Never Too Late to Be What You Might Have Been

George Eliot said, "Its never too late to be what you might have been" 150 years ago ... and it's as true today as when she first said it. When you were young, who did you want to be?

What did you want to do?

Where did you want to go?

It's only too late if you don't start now. George Eliot

Day Right Quote #13: When I Die, I Want to Come Back as ME

A reporter asked Shark Tank investor and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban, "When you die, who do you want to come back as?" Guess what he said?


Who would you want to come back as ... and why?

mark cuban