
Day Right Quote #28: The Faster I Go; The More I Miss

A friend just shared on Facebook that her plane was cancelled and the next one is overbooked so she'll be in the airport for hours. Instead of getting upset or stressed, she relaxed into it and welcomed the opportunity to read and get some work done. She settled into the fact that she'll get there when she gets there.

Smart woman.

So many of us jet through our days, always on the go, racing here and there, impatiently thinking ahead to what's next. That's a prescription for missing our life.

Slow down, look around, imprint what's right with your life right NOW.

It's one of the quickest ways to put the light on in your eyes - and it works every single time.

the faster I go, the more i miss

Day Right Quote #12: There Is More to Life Than Increasing Its Speed

Gandhi was right. There IS more to life than increasing its speed. Many of us are working, working, working, rushing, rushing, rushing.

We're heading into a spring weekend.

Instead of going for a run, workout or power walk to get your heart rate UP, could you go for a stroll instead?

The trees are budding.The flowers are blossoming. Breathe it all in.

Appreciation for the miracles that surround us is available anytime we want ... for a moment's NOTICE.
