inspirational — — The Intrigue Agency

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Day Right Quote #32: Receive, Receive, Receive

My friend Mary LoVerde, Hall of Fame speaker and author of I Used To Have a Handle On Life, But It Broke has changed my life - for good. She came to my home several years ago to"feng shui" it.

We didn't just clear out clutter, we also cleared out a lot of locked-in beliefs that were driving behavior that didn't serve me or the people around me.

For example, have you been told, "It's better to give than receive."

Not always. Mary opened my eyes to the fact that our strength taken to an extreme can become our Achilles Heel. We can over-give.

She suggested I repeat these words every day, "Receive, receive, receive."

This mantra has resulted in a heightened awareness and appreciation of the blessings and abundance in my life.

Try it and you'll see. Repeat those three words "Receive, receive, receive" as a daily habit ... and watch what happens.

receive, receive, receive

Day Right Quote #31: Celebrate Someone's Who's Always Been There for You

Taylor Swift says, "People haven't always been there for me; but music has." Who and what have always BEEN THERE for you?

My sister Cheri Grimm of Virtual Asset Office Management has run my business for 20 years.

One of the great joys of my life is having the privilege of working with someone I trust completely who always has my back and front.

I am enormously grateful to her for the countless ways she supports and inspires me and delivers above-and-beyond service to our clients. Thanks, sis, for ALWAYS being there.

Part of putting and keeping the light on in our eyes and leading a life of SerenDestiny is intentionally aligning with people we trust who are always there for us ... and being there for THEM by letting them know how much their support and constancy means to us.

Why not give a shout-out today to someone who's always been there for you? There is no present like the time - and no time like the present - to acknowledge and appreciate someone who contributes to your quality of life.

cheri and sam at ccwc

Day Right Quote #27: Imprint

I reconnected with friends in DMV (DC, Maryland, Virginia) last week. It was wonderful getting caught up and finding out what's going on in each other's lives. One asked, "What's it like having a new grand baby?" I smiled and said, "There are moments when she's gazing into my eyes or cuddled on my chest that I am FILLED with what a blessing she is. I IMPRINT those special moments so I can re-visit them whenever I want, as often as I want."

I also had an opportunity to co-present a workshop with my son, Andrew, for the Institute for Excellence in Sales.

There were moments I looked at him all grown up, (it seems like it wasn't that long ago he was in his jolly jumper) sharing insights and stories with the audience with them hanging onto every word ... and I imprinted what a GIFT it is to do work I love that matters WITH my son, watching him shine and add value.

So many of us are juggling so many responsibilities, rushing from one appointment to the next, racing through our days. That's a prescription for missing our life.

It's important to PAUSE in the midst of special moments and imprint them.

If you imprint special moments, they are there waiting for you to re-experience whenever you want, as often as you want. It's a way to truly and more deeply experience the blessings of our life instead of rushing right past them.


Day Right Quote #22: The Moment You Put a Date on the Calendar is the Moment Your IDEA Becomes REALITY

I'm hosting a salon in NYC next week and a friend asked how she should prepare. She asked if she should just talk about her advocacy for woman business authors or what. I said, "No, put a date on the calendar and tell us WHEN you plan to host a Tele-Summit or live event.

If you get this bandwagon out of the garage, people will jump on it.

The moment you put a date on the calendar is the moment your IDEA becomes REALITY.

the moment you put a date on the calendar

Day Right Quote #1: Live in Day-Tight Compartments

Dale Carnegie suggested we live in "day-tight compartments." I agree it's wise to focus on what we can do to make TODAY the best day possible instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.

One way we can do that is to focus on an inspiring quote every morning that helps us lead a right life where the light is on in our eyes.

To help myself and others do that, I will be positing a motivational quote every morning to help us live in day-tight, "day-right" compartments.

Hope you'll check back every morning - or follow this page so the quote shows up in your feed - so you can be inspired by insights that showcase the best of human-KIND, that keep gratitude top-of-mind, and that help you make every day the blessing it deserves to be.

P.S. I know you're busy so each post will be less than 100 words and take less than 1 minute to read. You've got a minute a day to read an inspiring insight that puts the light on in your eyes, right?

live in day-right compartments - march 20