Intrigue Agency & Sam Horn Speaking — The Intrigue Agency

Want CLARITY? Join me at one of my CLARITY in Action Events in 2025!

Clients who book inspirational keynote speaker and best selling author Sam Horn benefit from a memorable, educational experience.

Clients also appreciate that Sam customizes her presentations so they're relevant, motivating and useful for your group.  


Speaking Topics Include:

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People Skills for Professional Success

Did you know the World Economic Forum published startling research stating that "Nearly ALL JOB GROWTH since 1980 has been in occupations that are relatively social-skill intensive."​

We can be good at what we do, but if we don’t have good “people skills” - we may not get the jobs, promotions or positions we deserve.

Discover why LinkedIn hired Sam to deliver a course called “Preparing for Successful Communication” that has been used by Amazon, IBM, Accenture and the U.S. Army to train their employees how to connect more effectively with everyone they meet - on and off the job..

An excellent opening keynote because participants immediately practice and apply the interpersonal skills they learn at your event. .

Their newfound ability to relax, actually enjoy meeting people and turn strangers into friends - for themselves and their organiztion - is a win for all involved.

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Claim it. Name it. Fame it.

“Blending in is for Cuisinarts.” - Sam Horn

Want to create a compelling competitive edge that helps you, your product and organization stand out from the crowdt?

Sam has developed brilliant branding, positioning and messaging techniques that can help you clarify your “secret sauce” so you and your priority project break out instead of blend in.

Quality isn’t enough. Unless you can clearly and quickly get across why YOU’RE the one to hire, buy, fund,or do business with, customers, consumers, investors and potential employers will say “No, thank you.”.

You’ll love Sam’s real-life success stories, laugh-out-loud humor, original approaches and actionable insights.

Discover why marketing genius Seth Godin endorsed her POP! book saying, “Words matter. Every one of them. This book will change the way you use them” and how Sam’s framework for INTRIGUE can help you be one-of-a-kind instead of one-of-many.

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Tongue Fu!

It’s ironic, isn’t it? We’re taught math, science and history, but we’re not taught how to deal with people who are being unfair or unkind.

The good news is, you can learn how to keep your cool - even when other people aren’t - and respond diplomatically in sensitive situations.

Tongue Fu! is almost always the highest-rated session at every conference at which it’s presented because people say, “I finally know what to say - when I don’t know what to say. “

Sam’s relatable stories and instantly useful, real-life recommendations can reduce stress and improve your relationships - on and off the job..

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There is an art to staying focused when working in a busy office and juggling multiple priorities. The good news is, ConZentration is a skill and anyone can learn it.

Discover why Sam’s book on this topic was featured on NPR, taught at NASA’s Goddard Leadership Series, and given a cover endorsement by Dr. Stephen Covey (7 Habits of Highly Effective People).

You’ll welcome these insights on how to ConZentrate despite distractions and interruptions, stretch your attention span, and focus when you’re tired, overwhelmed or unmotivated.

You’ll even learn how to overcome procrastination, remember names, and teach others (including kids) how to pay attention in school, in sports, when listening, reading, taking tests, and despite A.D.H.D.



“Dr. Jane Goodall said, “You have to decide what kind of difference you’re going to make. “

This inspiring session helps you clarify what kind of difference you want to make in your career, company and community.

Identify your strengths and brainstorm/strategize how you can leverage them to make even more of an impact - on and off the job..

Discover how to create a “rising tide raising all women” culture at work where women support, champion and mentor each other.

Sam has shared her insights on empowerment with women’s professional development programs at Intel, Captial One, Amgen, National Gegraphic, Legg Mason, California Conference for Women.

She has aslo judged Dolphin Tank pitch competitions and served as the Pitch Coach for Springboard Enterprises, (which has helped women-led businesses recieve more than $9 B in funding.) and focuses on how women can earn the respect they want and deserve..

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SOMEDAY is Not a Day in the Week

“If not later … when?” - Sam Horn

Are you postponing an important personal or professional project because you just don’t have time? That’s a regret waiting to happen.

In this inspiring keynote, you’ll take a quiz to identify ONE THING you can do to make your life more meaningful now, not someday.

The good news is, when you take responsibility for your health, happiness and life/work balance - you set a precedent that gives people around you permission to do the same.

Features insights from Sam's new book that’s been featured in 800 CEO Reads, Harvard Business Review Ascend, Marketplace, on #1 rated Entrepreneur on Fire podcast, and recommended by Library Journal.

A truly transformational program. As an EO Portland member said, “You delivered the most important message our group could hear.”


Preparing for Successful Communication

Many people tell us Sam's LinkedIn course is the best communication course they've ever taken

Click to take the course.


What They’re Saying


Sam is one of the best in the business. She is known for her ability to introduce ideas smart professionals haven’t heard before they can immediately apply to their situations.
— Ruth Stergiou, (Founder/CEO, Invent Your Future Conference in Silicon Valley, CA)

We got rave reviews. Having you as our closing keynoter was like smooth chocolate sauce on fine ice cream.
— Marianne DeCosta, Builders, Owners and Managers Association

My staff thoroughly enjoyed your excellent presentation.

Compliments included, “By far the most informative communications class I’ve ever attended. Ms. Horn is a dynamic speaker who captures the audience and emphasizes practical subject matter.
— T.J. Concannon, Commanding Officer, MEPS, U.S. Navy

Thank you for your wisdom, dedication and emcee talents in helping us pull off this amazing event. Your SerenDestiny talk was inspiring and you are BRILLIANT.
— Eileen Spillane, TEDx-NASA
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