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Day Right Quote #44: The Grass Is Green Enough

One of the most important epiphanies from my Year by the Water? “Sometimes, the grass is green enough.”

This may seem to fly in the face of being an adventurer, someone who revels in new places, people and experiences.

However, it’s not a contradiction.

NOW and NEW are opposite sides of the same coin.

There are times we’re eager to evolve and explore – and times we look around and think, “This is enough. I am enough.”

Sometimes the grass IS greener elsewhere – sometimes the grass is green enough right here, right now.

I took the picture below while exploring a new lake park near my home here in Boulder.

As I strolled through the lush grass, I laughed out loud as I realized. "I'm literally walking in clover."

It was a tangible reminder that being wealthy in what matters is not having or feeling one thing OR the other; it is a sublime blend of feeling and having BOTH.

Sometimes, we're walking in clover and loving every minute of it.

Sometimes we're seeking and appreciating new fields of clover.

They are not mutually exclusive; they are the yin-yang balance of a fulfilling life.

grass bold

Day Right Quote #30: Money Doesn't Guarantee Happiness; It Guarantees OPTIONS

When I worked in the tennis industry on Hilton Head Island, SC early in my career, I met many unhappy rich people. I learned that money is not the Holy Grail. Money is welcome of course, but as Chris Rock points out, to give us OPTIONS, not to guarantee we'll love our life.

What makes us happy is to DO what puts the light on in our eyes and to align and spend time with people WHO put the light on in our eyes.

That's the purpose of this site. For you to have a place you can always find quotes, stories and fresh insights on how to put and keep the light on in your eyes.

In other words, how to be wealthy in what REALLY matters.

No spam. No selling. No ulterior motive. Just a site that focuses on what's right on in the world to help us lead a proactive, generous, grateful, abundant life that creates a "rising tide" impact that adds meaning and value for us and everyone around us.

Hope you find this SerenDestiny site inspiring. If so, you're welcome to share it with your friends. It makes my day when people are thoughtful enough to "spread the wealth."

money doesn't guarantee happiness

Day Right Quote #8: Abundance Comes in Many Forms

Abundance is about so much more than money. Anything that enriches us contributes to our abundance.

That includes new and enduring friendships, enjoyable discoveries, being active outdoors, achieving important goals, connecting with loved ones, learning new skills, contributing to our community.

Anytime we do something that puts the light on in our eyes, we are richer for it.

Anything we do that contributes to our physical and mental well-being results in us being wealthy in what really matters.

How about you? Are you wealthy in what really matters? Are you appreciating the abundance in your life in all its forms?

abundance comes in many forms

Day Right Quote #6: I Haven't Been Everywhere, But It's On My List

What is one place you want to experience that you haven't yet? i haven't been everywhere The Northern Lights? Pyramids in Egypt? Taj Mahal in India? Great Wall in China?

Don't just put it on your list, put it on your calendar.

As soon as you do, your dream becomes tangible.

You can set aside money, make reservations, arrange for time off.

Before you know it, you're THERE, proving to yourself you can make your life what you want it to be.

It doesn't even have to be far away.

Where is a place within an hour of your home you'd like to explore?

Go there this week. Experience how good it feels to travel and discover someplace new, how it energizes you and reminds you can make your life more of what you want it to be now ... not someday.